Sondos’ Story: from a Displaced Woman to an Entrepreneur

Sondos’ Story: from a Displaced Woman to an Entrepreneur
Sondos’ Story: from a Displaced Woman to an Entrepreneur

A Yemeni Girl Resisting the Hardships of Displacement with a Passion for Photography

By: Fouad Al-Majidee – Yemeni Journalist

In the city of Sana'a, where the fragrance of history mingles with the hustle and bustle of life, Sondos, a Yemeni girl in her twenties, grew up surrounded by the beauty of nature and the vibrancy of the city. However, the ongoing war in the country forced her to leave her home and move to the city of Marib, where she has been living for the past eight years.

Sondos has been passionate about photography since her childhood, seeing it as a means to document beautiful moments and turn them into memories. Despite the challenges of displacement, like any displaced person who left behind childhood memories and the safety of home, she didn't let the circumstances hinder her passion. Instead, she used them as a tool to overcome difficulties and achieve her dream.

She is one of thousands of girls who faced the horrors of war and the harshness of displacement, losing their basic rights, including the right to education and the ability to achieve their dreams. But rather than surrender, Sondos chose a different path. She pursued her passion, using her smartphone to capture beautiful moments of her family and loved ones, and continued to hone her photography skills through continuous learning. She shares her experience, saying: "I started my journey by photographing nature and the beauty around me and posting them on my Facebook page. My photos received wide appreciation and interaction, which encouraged me to continue in this field. I mastered photography skills and learned the secrets of the camera five years ago."

Sondos didn't just practice her passion for photography and document beautiful moments with her phone, but she decided to turn this passion into a project that serves her community in Marib. She says: "Through my practice of photography, I noticed a pressing need for women's photo studios in Marib, providing women the opportunity to get professional photos in a comfortable and safe environment."

She adds: "I saw this as a unique opportunity to develop my skills and meet women's needs at the same time, so I started studying the feasibility of opening a women's photography studio and planned every detail."

Opening a women's photo studio in Marib wasn't easy, especially with the scarcity of properties and their high prices. The biggest problem Sondos faced was finding a suitable place with a reasonable rent for her project, in addition to the high costs of photography equipment.

But Sondos' determination and persistence didn't break in the face of these challenges. She turned a room in her family's house into her own studio and opened it in February 2023, naming it "Photo Art." It became a safe haven for women to document their beautiful memories. Her project didn't stop there; she expanded its services to include photography, design, renting traditional costumes, and documenting various events and parties for women.

Sondos started receiving female and child clients, and her studio quickly gained wide popularity among women in Marib, being a safe space with a female staff, dedicated to women and children.

Jawaher, a girl from Marib and one of Photo Art's clients, says: "I've long wished to take professional commemorative photos but couldn't be due to the lack of women's studios in Marib. Luckily, I learned about Sondos through social media and chose her to document my university graduation memory."

She adds: "Women are no longer deprived of documenting their beautiful moments. Sondos' studio provided us with a safe and comfortable environment for taking professional photos and documenting our beautiful memories. It emphasizes the importance of having dedicated spaces for women like photo studios and cafes."

Sumaya Al-Nahari, a journalist and activist in Marib, says: "I visited Sondos' studio several times and felt very comfortable during the photo sessions. What distinguishes Sondos' studio is her constant attention to photography and her frequent changes in decor according to the occasion. This helped me document beautiful family moments and feel complete privacy as a woman."

Sumaya confirms that women in Marib need more safe spaces that allow them to express themselves and engage in their activities freely. She adds that displacement has affected many girls, depriving them of education and pursuing their dreams and passions in life. She believes that women should be strong and strive to achieve their dreams even from home, not surrendering to the conditions imposed by the war.

Sondos' story embodies the spirit of the strong Yemeni girl who does not break. It's a story of undying passion and unyielding determination, about turning dreams into reality despite all challenges. It's a story that inspires hope and confirms that everything is possible if we believe in our abilities and pursue our dreams.

You can watch the Story via the blow link:

**Note: This photo story is part of the outputs of the training course on: Reports and Humanitarian Stories Writing Skills, conducted by Musaala Organization for Human Rights in early May 2024, where the author was one of the trainees.

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