The expanded consultative meeting was held between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Marib

The expanded consultative meeting was held between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Marib
The expanded consultative meeting was held between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Marib
The expanded consultative meeting was held between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Marib
The expanded consultative meeting was held between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Marib
The expanded consultative meeting was held between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Marib

Consultative meeting between the Security Authorities, CSOs and HRDs in Marib

Musaala Organization for Human Rights and the National Organization of Yemeni Reporters "Sada" organized yesterday, a consultative meeting between the security authorities, civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Ma'rib Governorate, to discuss ways to overcome the difficulties and challenges facing the work of organizations and human rights defenders in the field and how to overcome them.

The meeting, which included representatives of local civil society organizations, human rights, and the local and security authorities, comes within the activities of the SANED project to enhance community peace, which is implemented by the accountability and echo organizations in cooperation with the Marib Governorate police and with the support of the Saferworld organization. It aims to enhance cooperation, improve the relationship, and expand spaces for dialogue between security services and civil society organizations local and human rights defenders, which would promote and defend the culture of human rights.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Director General of Information and Statistics at the Governorate General Office, Abd Rabbo Hualis, and the Director General of the Human Rights Office, Abd Rabbo Jadie, stressed the importance of strengthening the coordination and cooperation mechanism between the local authority and civil society organizations as an essential and important partner in development, and strengthening their role in serving society and spreading and defending the culture of human rights and victim advocacy.

Hualis and Jadea praised the national and societal roles of civil society organizations during the eight years of war, to face the challenges faced by the governorate and the local authority in all its service sectors, and to promote coexistence, community peace and steadfastness as a result of the governorate receiving large numbers of displaced persons, in addition to the role played by human rights organizations to help in Strengthening the rule of law and preserving rights.

They also praised the efforts of human rights organizations and human rights defenders in monitoring and documenting human rights violations and crimes against civilians, public and private, and exposing them to regional and international public opinion.

The consultative meeting came out with a set of recommendations and proposals that emphasized in their entirety the importance of strengthening the relationship and coordination between the local and security authorities and civil society human rights organizations in order to activate their role further and strengthen their national, service, developmental and human rights partnership, and the need for local human rights organizations to develop their capabilities and work mechanisms and adhere to professionalism in monitoring Documentation, transmission of facts as they are, and transparency in performance and reports.

It is noteworthy that this consultative meeting comes after a previous organization last Thursday of an expanded consultative meeting that brought together the security authorities with media professionals and journalists in the province, which came out with a coordination mechanism to facilitate work and enhance cooperation between the two parties to facilitate the work of journalists and media professionals in the province.

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