Arrest and Disappearance of NGOs Staff in Yemen

Arrest and Disappearance of NGOs Staff in Yemen
Arrest and Disappearance of NGOs Staff in Yemen

Human Rights Violation & obstruction of humanitarian efforts in Yemen

Musaala Organization for Human Rights strongly condemn the arrest of a number of employees of international and local organizations operating in Yemen by the Ansar Allah group (Houthis). Since the beginning of this month, the security authorities have arrested more than 30 male and female employees working in a number of international and local organizations in the governorates controlled by the Houthis, the majority of whom are from Sana’a. This behavior represents a flagrant violation of international laws and basic human rights, and hinders humanitarian efforts aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people who are facing catastrophic humanitarian crises.

Staff of local and international organizations are doing noble humanitarian work, providing vital assistance to populations affected by the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Targeting and arresting them is unacceptable behavior and cannot be justified under any circumstances.

We call on the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) to immediately and unconditionally release all detained employees, and to ensure their safety and the safety of all humanitarian workers in Yemen. We also call on the international community to intervene urgently and put pressure on the Houthis to release detainees and ensure respect for human rights and international laws.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Yemen over the past ten years, hundreds of workers from local and international organizations in Yemen have been subjected to arbitrary arrest, enforced disappearance, and torture to death, not to mention the harassment and interventions by the parties to the conflict that have hindered the work and efforts of a number of humanitarian and relief organizations and interventions.

Protecting humanitarian workers and ensuring that aid reaches those who need it is everyone’s responsibility and cannot be neglected. We affirm that we will continue to closely monitor the situation and work with our partners in Yemeni civil society organizations and the international community to ensure the protection of human rights in Yemen.

Musaala Organization for Human Rights

June 8, 2024

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