Justice for Ahmed Maher

Justice for Ahmed Maher
Justice for Ahmed Maher
Justice for Ahmed Maher

Urgent Appeal to Uphold Justice for Journalist Ahmed Maher Ahead of Upcoming Trial

Yemen- 24 May, 2024

As the trial date approaches for the sentencing of journalist Ahmed Maher, who has been arbitrarily detained by the authorities in Aden since August 2022 for his journalistic activities, urgent attention is needed. Maher’s lawyer, Sami Yassin Qaed Marsh, has recently issued a public statement highlighting the serious legal violations involved in Maher’s case. 

The Justice4Yemen Coalition and all organizations signing this statement affirm that Ahmed Maher’s case has become an issue of public opinion that requires immediate attention and action. Maher’s case represents an important test for freedom of opinion and expression in Aden. Although his case has garnered attention from international human rights agencies, notably cited in the report by the UN Sanctions Committee issued in November 2023, no action has been taken to address the situation.

The undersigned organizations urgently appeal to the Specialized Criminal Court in Aden to uphold justice for journalist Ahmed Maher by releasing him in light of the grave violations in his case. We also urge the court to safeguard his legal rights during his upcoming judgment session scheduled for the 28th of this month, including the hearing of his evidence and statements.


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